Fraud Alert
Here is a very important link to visit if you are concerned about anything suspected to be fraudulent or suspicious:
New E-Mail Scam:
It appears that tax scammers are hard at work. Their latest scam is to send a spam email with the heading "Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)." The biggest giveaway that this is not coming from the IRS are instructions in the email to download an attached form, fill it out with account information for all foreign and domestic bank accounts, and to fax it back.
The IRS will NEVER request information from you in this manner.
If you receive this e-mail, or any e-mail claiming to be from the IRS, contact us immediately. We would like to make sure none of our other clients get harassed. Also any suspicious letter that just does not seem appropriate should be addressed with us as well. We know what is real and what is not.
IRS Refund Email Scam
There is yet another IRS email scam making the rounds, this one having to do with your tax refund. It is not a legitimate email from IRS.

Being a business owner you may receive this letter in the mail requesting you to pay $225.00 Annual Fee. Please be aware that this is a SCAM and disregard the notice. It is false and not from any government agency, but from a company looking to profit by misleading you. If you have any questions please contact us.

Being a business owner you may receive this scam in the mail requesting your "Annual Minutes Disclosure Statement". If you receive this please disregard the notice as it is false and not from any government agency, but from a company looking to profit by misleading you. If you have any questions please contact us.